â€å“[he] Felt [he] Would Never Be Quite the Same Again

Keynote Address at The Asean Forum: Rethinking Asean Towards The Asean Community 2015

Selasa, 07 Agustus 2007
Di baca 648 kali

JAKARTA, 7 Baronial 2007

Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim
Assalaamu’alaikum wa-Rahmatullahi wa-Barakatuh

Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me brainstorm by thanking the ASEAN Foundation, Philip Kottler Center for ASEAN Marketing, and the Asean Secretariat for inviting me to address this Forum today. This is one of the most meaningful ways by which we can observe the fortieth ceremony of ASEAN.

I am honored and humbled by the Country Marketer Award that Mr. Philip Kottler just conferred upon me. I have found out that the job of a President is not simply to lead a nation, simply also to internally â€Å"marketâ€Â? our ideas for change and transformation to my swain citizens, which is an essential role of keeping the public trust, and to externally â€Å"marketâ€Â? the potentials and opportunities of Indonesia to the world beyond our national borders, in a earth where everybody else is also doing that. For example, I have fabricated it standard practice in my foreign visits to do a one-on-one meeting with business leaders in lodge to win their investment. And so I am pleased that somebody noticed.

I also congratulate Prof. Philip Kottler and Mr. Hermawan Kartajaya and others for producing their excellent book â€Å"Marketing three.0â€Â?, which contains many innovative thoughts nearly marketing in an exciting but disruptive globalized world.

I let to say in this very fine occasion really I have read book written past Prof. Kottler several times. In 1998, I read your book the championship is â€Å"The Marketing of Nationâ€Â?. When I was a one of the leaders in our MPR, the People Consultative Assembly, I discussed that book besides with my Vice President now, Mr. Jusuf Kalla. Subsequently in 2000, I read once more your book when I was a Minister for Free energy. And less but not least few weeks after I have inaugurated as the sixth President of the Republic of Indonesia and before I had to face up first shock in my Presidency tsunami that hitting Aceh I again read your book because I like that book very much telling us about national economic evolution, nearly strategy, policy that tin be developed by the government and also by taking lesson from many authorities strategies and policies. I am doing job of marketing correct now for your book.

My highest citation also goes to for Mr. Ong Keng Yong, ASEAN’s very agile Secretary-General who have washed an outstanding job in strengthening the Association of southeast asian nations Secretariat and in working with Asean Leaders to effectively adjust the Arrangement to new challenges. I know well he’s working real hard to prepare many things to encourage many thing, to talk us that all leaders must exist fully engaged in the development of the ASEAN as a new community.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
The theme â€Å"Rethinking ASEAN towards Asean Community 2015â€Â? is timely and plumbing equipment. We must indeed practise some rethinking.

The gist of my thinking is that Association of southeast asian nations survived and grew because information technology responded to the challenges of its fourth dimension, which made ASEAN relevant for its members, for the region and for the international community. Similarly, for Asean to remain relevant today and for the futurity, it must detect effective means to conform and respond to the challenges of OUR fourth dimension today.

For the world today is vastly different from what it was when Asean was founded in 1967. The Cold War was then at its height and the world had been carved into 2 hostile camps, with an â€Å"fe curtainâ€Â? standing betwixt them. â€Å"Proxy warsâ€Â? were being fought between these ii camps all over the earth, including in Southeast Asia. The countries of Southeast Asia besides had enough of disputes of our own. Which is why nosotros could non unite in spite of several before attempts at forming a regional organization. Meanwhile, the economies of the region were languishing in backwardness.

The formation of Association of southeast asian nations therefore was regarded equally the terminal chance for the nations of Southeast Asia to reach some kind of unity. The Foreign Ministers of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Singapore had to go on retreat on a beach resort in Thailand to carry out the seemingly impossible chore: devising an organization that had any chance of staying together in the midst of such turbulence.

But they managed it. And 40 years ago, Association of southeast asian nations was born past virtue of the Bangkok Declaration. It was, of class, born for a purpose�and that was for the member nations and their regional neighbours to survive in the harsh geopolitical and economical environment of the time.

The ASEAN members knew that they had to help 1 another enhance their respective national resilience. And they had to acquire collective regional resilience by cultivating the habits of consultation, consensus and cooperation. Moreover they had to engage non-regional powers and other regions in mutually beneficial cooperation.

Through intensive internal cooperation and engagement with other countries and regions, ASEAN changed its environs as much every bit it was inverse by that environment.

Today, the Cold War is but a fading memory. All the countries of Southeast Asia are at peace with one another and with the world. And ASEAN produced a number of historical milestones: the 1976 Treaty of Amity and Cooperation; the establishment of the ASEAN Regional Forum in 1994; the coming into force of the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapons Free Zone in 1997; and the institution of AFTA in 2002.

Two other vital processes in this part of the world are driven by ASEAN: the ASEAN plus Iii process and the Due east Asia Summit (EAS).

ASEAN plus Iii brings together ten Southeast Asian nations with their more than economically mature Northeast Asian partners in broadly gauged cooperation.

The East Asia Summit (EAS) brings together 16 countries of an East Asia that has been redefined no longer every bit a strictly geographic entity but as a grouping of countries on this side of the world, with long-established habits of consultation and cooperation, and a sense of common destiny.

The ARF, Association of southeast asian nations plus Three and the EAS processes demand Asean to exist in the driver’s seat considering, in the first place, information technology is Asean that gives them political cohesion. Without that cohesion it would be difficult for them to function on a collective basis.

In the second identify, Association of southeast asian nations needs to be in the driver’s seat because these engagements must contribute to the success of ASEAN integration fifty-fifty while ASEAN itself contributes to the eventual integration of East Asia and even the Asia-Pacific region.

In 2003, Asean Leaders, at the 9th peak in Bali, adopted the second Proclamation of Asean Concord that mandated the establishment of an Association of southeast asian nations Community, which would rest on three pillars: an Asean Security Community, an Asean Economical Community and an Asean Sociocultural Community. This decision was a watershed in the process of Association of southeast asian nations transformation.

The attainment of the envisioned ASEAN Customs would constitute the ultimate integration of Association of southeast asian nations and the firmest guarantee that in a globe of deepening globalization, ASEAN would never be marginalized. ASEAN would be a more effective thespian and contribute more to the cause of security, prosperity and social harmony at the regional and global levels.

But such an intensive process of integration would be extremely hard and slow if Asean remained the loose and largely breezy regional organization that it is today. That is why at the Association of southeast asian nations Summit of 2005 we decided to write and adopt what will serve as a constitution�the ASEAN Lease.

That Lease volition confer on ASEAN a legal personality. It will also imbue Association of southeast asian nations with a new sense of purpose, reaffirm and codify the key objectives and principles of Asean, strengthen its organisation and its institutions, and enable the less developed members to take hold of up with the others. It will be a brief, visionary and inspiring document.

Information technology volition likewise take to be the event of a rethinking of Association of southeast asian nations. And indeed there has been a lot of rethinking in ASEAN since that celebrated Ninth Summit in Bali.

One manner to rethink Asean is to consider that for almost of the fourth dimension since ASEAN was founded twoscore years agone, the glue that held Asean together was our economic cooperation, and to some degree, also our social and cultural exchanges.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
In the commencement there was a very skillful reason for this: ASEAN was born in the midst of political turmoil. In their statements after the signing of the Bangkok Annunciation, the signatory Foreign Ministers emphasized that they did not want the newly born organization to be mistaken for a military alliance.

The founding document itself repeatedly stressed economic and social forms of cooperation and mentioned the promotion of regional peace and stability only as something to be carried out â€Å"through constant respect for justice and the rule of constabulary.â€Â?

And that was how it was for quite a few years, during which our official circles carefully avoided the Due south give-and-take: security. Another word that was shunned like the plague was â€Å"political.â€Â? When they were not grappling with the intricacies of economic cooperation, they directed their attending to social welfare and cultural activities, which, since 1987, they placed nether the rubric â€Å"Functional Cooperation.â€Â?

That term has an interesting history behind itâ€â€?which reveals something about the early days of Association of southeast asian nations: functional cooperation was a term invented by the regional associations that cropped up before long subsequently the 2nd World War. Information technology was their fashion of presenting themselves every bit non-threatening. When an activity was described every bit â€Å"functional,â€Â? it was understood every bit having nothing to do with politics or the military, and therefore no cause for anxiety.

And and then by concentrating on economic cooperation and functional cooperation, we achieved a certain degree of cohesion and nurtured a sense of mutual destiny.

It besides made it easy for the communist nations of Southeast Asia to join the ASEAN family, as this happened while they were shifting from primal planning to a market-oriented system. And instead of striving for autarky, they were opening up their economies to foreign investments. Only they maintained their ideology.

The result was that the market blurred our ideological division. It also stunted our political evolution every bit a regional arrangement.

This might have been an appropriate state of diplomacy forty years ago, merely times take inverse, and then have our regional and global environments. Nosotros are under a different set of pressures now.

It is true that nosotros are even so nether tremendous economic pressure: a large role of our population live in abject poverty, hence we are struggling to meet our MDG commitments. Nosotros must continue to be seized with the challenge of socioeconomic development.

But there are other pressures begetting upon usa: all over the globe people desire to take their destiny in their own hands, to accept role in the making of decisions that affect their lives�this is the force per unit area of republic.

Not only that: people too want to affirm the essential worth of their humanity. They demand the respect that, they are man beings. This is the pressure of human rights.

And, of form, there is still the need for security. But even the concept of security today has profoundly broadened. It is no longer just a affair of defending the state against an army marching across the border.

These are the new realitiesâ€â€?the pressures and challenges of our fourth dimension. And if we are going to have an Asean that is a â€Å"customs of caring societies,â€Â? then it must care not only about the livelihood and the social civilities but besides virtually the cardinal rights of the man.

Today we have to rethink Association of southeast asian nations in that new low-cal. Nosotros have to think in terms of the need for political cohesiveness among the members of the Asean family. Such political cohesiveness should stem from a shared commitment to the fundamental values of commonwealth, human rights and the open market. Hence, it is an essential part of our transition to a Security Community that nosotros should cultivate these common values.

And it should be an essential aspect of the Asean Lease, which is now being formulated by a Loftier-level Task Force, that it make that transition feasible. Information technology is vitally important, for instance, that it should have an enabling provision for the establishment of a regional human rights body.

Otherwise the Asean Lease cannot be regarded as the affidavit of a vision and a set of values and ideals that are the hallmark of a caring community.

We await the Charter not only to take legal efficacy. It must also inspire. Therefore it should not be the relic of a time that is past, of the realities and modes of thinking of iv decades ago. It should be the reflection of our responses to the challenges and opportunities today and in the perceivable future.

I am therefore glad that just terminal calendar week, at the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Manila, our Strange Ministers agreed on the inclusion of a provision in the ASEAN Charter that mandates the establishment of a regional human rights body.

Thus today, I am even more optimistic most how the Asean Lease will plow out. Its drafting is about to be completed past thoughtful persons who are aware of the vast and far-reaching significance of the task entrusted to them. And they have been given guidance by an Eminent Persons Group Bapak Ali Alatas is likewise hither, member of that includes some of the finest and wisest statesmen the Association of southeast asian nations region has produced.

I accept faith in all of them and in their sense of what is important to the ASEAN region.

Excellencies Distinguished Participants,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
They know that social cohesiveness is of import, because goodwill and a feeling of belonging together, a consciousness of ourselves as history has made us� is an indispensable prelude to effective regional cooperation. That is what the Association of southeast asian nations Sociocultural Customs is for.

Economical cooperation is important�that is why ASEAN must as well residual on the pillar of an Asean Economical Community. It is one fashion of ensuring that there is a daily bread on the family table.

Merely the homo existence does non live by bread lone. He must also be assured of his human dignity, without which life is not worth living. That is ane of the major concerns of the ASEAN Security Customs.

When we are sure that all the three pillars are already there in place, then we know that we have become the Association of southeast asian nations Community that nosotros fervently aspire to be.

So Ladies and Gentlemen,
I end with these words : Happy 40th Anniversary ASEAN. ASEAN has come a long style to get to where we are today, and believe me : the best of Association of southeast asian nations is yet to come up.

I give thanks you.


Agency for Printing and Media Affairs
Presidential Household



Source: https://setneg.go.id/baca/index/keynote_address_at_the_asean_forum_rethinking_asean_towards_the_asean_community_2015

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